5 December 2013
Nelson Mandela: A Tribute in Art

Nelson Mandela: 18 July 1918 - 5 December 2013

Image Credit Flickr User Ben Sutherland
As well as being worn to protest the on-going incarceration of the South African politician by his own government, the badge was also another way for us to show our displeasure with our own: Maggie Thatcher and her cohorts were currently smashing their way through UK industry like a wrecking ball. The only pictures we got to see of Nelson Mandela were those taken before his trial and imprisonment – and that had been in 1962, over twenty years previously. The man could already be representative of causes other than his own – a kind of marker of general political and personal duty: this transference from individual to universal symbol is something that few others have achieved.

The potency of this charisma was bound to find outlets through artistic expression both of the monumental and the personal kind. After his release and his inevitable rise to political power, Mandela’s face became (and I do not use the word without hesitation) iconographic, even in life. He became a living, breathing symbol of the struggle for personal liberty, for freedom of speech, for universal education and suffrage – and more: I could probably leave a space here and each of you could fill in the gap with your own reason for admiring this man, surely one of the most pivotal in contemporary world history.

Above - Mandela by Nile Livingston

Image Courtesy of Tord Nygaard

Image Credit Flickr User sjr6o

Image Credit Flickr User Babak Fakhamzadeh

Image Credit Flickr User courtneydhoffman

Image Credit Flickr User Mikekogh

Image Credit Flickr User Narshall Astor

Image Credit Flickr User Sculpture grrrl

Image Credit Flickr User MarkHillary

Image Credit Flickr User redspotted

Image Credit Flickr User scarter45

Image Credit Flickr User Sea Turtle
Image of the badge - Leo Reynolds
First Image Credit Wikipedia