8 April 2013

Around the Corner

If you know Around the Corner, a comic by Zen Pencils then you will be delighted to discover that it has been made in to a short film, directed by Sahel Takel. Takel fell in love with the comic, as have many others, and wanted nothing more than to put it on to film. Gavin Aung Than, the man behind Zen Pencils gave Takel blessing and permission and recently reported on his website that he was ‘squealing like a school girl while watching it’ and it is a joy, albeit a rather melancholy one, to watch.

It isn’t often I can say this either, but I actually saw some of this being filmed. The exterior shots were done just around the corner from where I live in Honor Oak Park in South East London. On my way for my weekend newspaper I was able to have a good nose while the shots of the two kids were being done. So, take a look at the finished film (you may need a hanky).