14 August 2011

Young Master 4: Stone and Iron

We are always on the lookout, here at Kuriositas, for something a little different for your delight, delectation and amusement and I think we have found something pretty special here.  While Kuriositas is known for featuring the best the animation industry has to offer, this short by Alexey Minchenok is something quite different. It's an animation without animation, effectively and it is executed with confidence, humor and panache.

Minchenok presents his story of the training and employment history of a young warrior (samurai? ninja?) with a cardboard iPhone (or some other smart type machine thing!).  The story is hand drawn on a (really really long) piece of paper which is then rolled up and pulled through the electronic gadget.

It’s wonderfully done – and quite a flight of fantasy for the most part with characters from various movies turning up that you might not expect.  Plus, add a soundtrack of which a certain Quentin Tarantino would approve and you have six minutes of fun!  Excellent!