18 April 2011
Caul – A Tale of Polish Vampires
A short while ago Kuriositas featured The Find, a short film by award winning film maker Azhur Saleem. If you enjoyed that, then you are in for a treat with his next project. Inspired by centuries old tales of Polish vampires, Caul sounds as if it is going to be a wonderful scare-fest.
The old legend has it that a child born with a caul on its head (what we now know to be nothing more insidious than the amniotic sac) would turn in to a vampire on its seventh birthday, unless...
Unless the caul was fed to the child by this day. Saleem’s new project, which will be around fifteen minutes long focuses on a family to which this happens. However, the child rejects the caul when it is placed in front of him meaning that his destiny will be vampiric in nature. It all sounds wonderfully spooky.
This is not going to be like any of your weak kneed, lily livered, la-di-da vampire movies of recent years: Saleem hopes that this will be a return to genuine audience terror. However, this sort of short film is expensive to make and Saleem and his team need you to help make it a reality. In order to create something that will look and sound truly exceptional they need money! This will be used for production costs - it will all go on screen. The rest will come from private equity as they hope to match the funding raised.
If you are interested in finding out more about the project – and how you could help bring this startling vision to our screens, please visit the website.