22 February 2011
Between Two Points
Every now and again – rarely though – a music video comes along that not only hosts a great piece of music but pushes the boundaries of animation, making people sit up and take notice. Peter Gabriel’s Sledgehammer from the way back when springs immediately to this old mind.
Here we have another one of those rare beasties. It is a track called Between Two Points and the artists are The Glitch Mob featuring Swan. I have to admit rather shamefacedly to not having heard of the artists involved here but to my ears they sound like a cross between the Cocteau Twins and Portishead – which gives them an unusually large thumbs up from this quarter.
The video is about the weight of dependency and is exquisitely done by the Motiphe team, who describe themselves as the four-headed collaboration of Katja Flachberger, Florian Juri, Sven Skoczylas and Rafael Mayrhofer, who came together each one throwing in some passion, talent or skill to create animations.
This is the first ever video for the LA based band The Glitch Mob (pictured left) and is taken from their album Drink The Sea.
The gorgeous voice you can hear is that of Swan. Since 2004 she has worked within the San Francisco Bay Area and West Coast underground music scenes, writing, recording, and performing her own original music as well as joining forces with many independent producers and bands.
Wonderful sound, wonderful video. Perfect!