Things that go Bunp in the Night |
Vicky Scott is an artist who is certainly making a buzz in the UK at the moment with her vibrant and evocative collages. Her work represents a light hearted look at the world through very female eyes. Often her work combines a warm nostalgic view of the past fused with contemporary ideas and issues. Her use of color is delightful.
Journey from A to B |
Born in 1982, Scott grew up in the English county of Surrey, in the town of Richmond. Interested in art from an early age she had (somewhat precociously decided to be an illustrator by the time she was five years old.
Butterfly Faces |
Leaving Richmond for the rather more Bohemian environs of the seaside town of Brighton she attended the university there and graduated in 2004 with a BA in illustration – her early decision seen through to its natural conclusions. Now based in South East London, Scott has worked on a number of projects in recent years.
I Dream of Ice Cream |
As well as producing commissions for Paperchase, Scott has had her work featured in Computer Arts Projects and the British daily national newspaper The Times. She has just completed the illustrations for her first children’s book (for Unlocked Gates) which will be out in the Spring.
Rabbit Land |
She uses a collage technique in her work and this made a natural home for it in the 2007 Illustration and Play book, which featured her art and those of Ian Wright and Catalina Estrada.
Her worked reached a much greater audience last year when she was selected for a spot of pachyderm painting for the
London Elephant Parade (previously featured on Kuriositas). Her design was displayed in central London and was then auctioned for charity – to help preserve the real thing in its native habitat.
Fille de Cirque du Russe |
There are certain words which spring to mind when contemplating Scott’s work. Psychedelic comes first and foremost, followed quickly be unexpected, elegant and eye-catching. Often her art falls away from the real world (as it should!) and slips in to something akin to a fairytale or fantasy where dreams become reality.
Through Rose Tinted Spectacles |
These disparate elements are often worked together to produce something which is both familiar and unanticipated. It is the combination of these two ingredients which I find fascinating about her work plus its ability to tell stories or suggest a back plot to the imagination of the viewer.
Tears of a Peacock |
There is something of a handmade aesthetic to Scott’s work too, which is probably because she created her art using colored card, fabric and paint. Her use of bright, often primary, colors lends a high spirited visuality to her art which brings a quiet if spontaneous smile to the face.
Sixties Chick |
Kuriositas would like to thank Vicky Scott for her kind permission allowing us to reproduce some of her work here. It work is available
for purchase as original collages or limited edition prints. You can read more at
Vicky’s World, her website, or
her blog. She also has a
Facebook Page which you can join too.
Tree of Love |