21 December 2010

Christmas and Death

No, hold on.  This isn't going to be some depressing essay on the nature of Christmas and the brevity of human existence.  On the other hand it is going to be one of those amusing (perhaps irritating to some) Christmas animations.  Here we have Death - in the guise of the reaper - who has something of an inferiority complex when it comes to the guy in the red.  He is also a little short on friends, likewise presents.  So...

This is my opportunity to thank everyone for the support over the last eight months.  Kuriositas was only born in March and although it does seem like a long time ago in many ways, in others it just seems like yesterday.

So, one good cliché deserves another.  Here's hoping that you have a happy and peaceful Christmas period.  2011 is going to be brilliant!

Oh and if you are sending me a Christmas present, watch the video above right to the end for a personal message!