29 August 2010
Gormley’s Exposure – Art or Just Bare Faced Cheek?
It is customary, these days, to nickname any new gargantuan work of art and this has certainly been the case with Exposure. One rather unimpressed resident of the nearby town of Lelystad quickly christened Exposure as de poepende man and the name has caught on. It doesn’t even loosely translate as sitting, but if you put an h after the first consonant you get the picture. The rather more polite element of Dutch society uses the word hurkende – which means crouching. Either way, there is no doubt whether or not the locals have formed an idea about which specific function our latest friendly giant is performing.
Gormley first cast himself in plaster and then, combining art with math, translated his own form in to a geometric model, using sophisticated software. The metal parts which make up Exposure were made by a pylon manufacturer in the UK and transported to the Netherlands. Whether or not the end product is as sophisticated as the execution of the design is for you to decide.
Kuriositas would like to very gratefully acknowledge Flickr User Herman Verheij who kindly gave permission for us to use his marvellous pictures of Exposure (the first four). Please pay a visit to his marvellous photostream.